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Online Group Tutorials

In response to the current lockdown, many parents have asked if I am able to provide regular sessions for their children as part of a group tutorial. I am pleased to confirm that I am now able to offer this service through Skype, having trialled it successfully with one of my existing home-educated groups over the past two weeks.

Should you be interested in this service please contact me and I will respond with days and times the group sessions are scheduled to take place. Each session can either focus on Maths or English, with groups made up of children in either Lower Key Stage 2 (Years 3 and 4) or Upper Key Stage 2 (Years 5 and 6). Sessions will be 1 hour long with group sizes no larger than 3 children at a rate of £10 per session per child. Children will need a pencil, paper and ideally a small whiteboard and pen. The first of these session beings next week, though you are free to book in on a week by week basis.

Learning we're celebrating this week:

 Well done to my Wednesday home-educated group this week on their excellent learning based on the classic story of Charlotte's Web. You explored synonyms and reading around new words to deduce their meaning before designing your own poster promoting Wilbur's appearance at the county fair.

Also, congratulations to L (Year 3) on your stretch-and-challenge learning on equivalent fractions. You used bar models to picture fractions in order to compare them before progressing to the use of multiplication and division to find equivalents based on a common denominator.

Finally, well done F (Year 3) on your reading this week. You made great predictions from the text and wrote your own at the end of the session. During our reading you identified the nouns, proper nouns and pronouns across two pages and we discussed the difference.


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