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January 2021: Tier 5 Lockdown

This evening Boris confirmed the inevitable. We are entering a second full lockdown and schools will once again be closed; this time until at least the February half term. I have already taken several enquiries tonight from parents I work with regarding additional hours for their children to supplement the remote learning provided by schools. Whilst I did have just a couple of hours available on Saturdays, the closure of schools does mean I can now offer sessions within the school day (should they not conflict with the sessions schools are providing.) If you are looking for 1:1 or group tuition throughout the school closure period please contact me. Whilst group tuition is less effective than 1:1 it can provide a solution for anyone on a budget - less than £10 an hour in the case of a group of 3 (the maximum group size I believe is effective.) You can organise a group yourself or I can organise this should there be enough interest by individuals looking for tuition in the same year gr...

Updated for 2024

I am now taking enquiries for new students looking to potentially begin tuition in September this year. Please do take some time to explore my site and cotact me if you would like to know more. Andy

Tutoring in June, July and August

With the government admitting it won't be possible for schools to reopen this side of the summer holiday increasingly more parents are contacting me regarding tutoring up until the point their children can return to school, and potentially beyond in order to ensure the current situation doesn't have any long-term effects on their children's education. Other parents have requested support with the learning materials supplied by their schools. Schools are clearly doing their best under difficult circumstances but without direct teaching many children struggle to grasp new concepts and develop the skills they already possess - leading to frustration and giving up. Conversely, I work with many families whose children are thoroughly enjoying the sorts of valuable activites often pushed to the side in a Maths and English-focussed school environment. Crafts, cookery, sport, music - even video production and computer aided design thanks to the likes of Tiktok and Minecraft! So if y...