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This Week's Learning

This week has seen plenty of fantastic learning from my tutees, all of which are learning with me online through either Skype or Zoom. Sessions are available throughout the week so please contact me to find out more about how I could help your child succeed in these challenging times.

Here's this week's selection of learning we're celebrating:

In our online group tutorial this week we read chapter 14 of Charlotte's Web together then identified prepositions and what role they play in writing. From this, the students composed their own sentences - challenging themselves to create complex sentences with verbs and conjunctions.

J (Y5) is learning how to carry out research on the internet and check the information for accuracy before publishing her own blog entries about rainforest animals. The first of which will be shared on here in the coming weeks.

F (Y4) was successful in identifying the relationship between multiplication and division and using this to help him solve "mystery box" problems.

New student, J (Y6), is interested in applying his maths knowledge to computer applications. This week he learned how to use formulas and currency to create a spreadsheet for his mum's events business!


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